Home Embassy & Consulate Mozambican High Commission in Nairobi
Mozambican High Commission in Nairobi Kenya is a strong bond of communication between Mozambique Government and Kenya.
Head of Mission: Daniel Antonio, High Commissioner
Consulate Appointment or Contact Mozambican High Commission in Nairobi : Visit only by Appointment
For more details please check in first instance the consulate website for enquiries contact form .
Mozambique Consulates in Kenya may prioritize Appointment for Mozambique citizens or have dedicated support.
If unfortunately unable to get contact here, one should try to the Mozambican Consulate General in Mombasa ,
For your convenience here listed all other representatives of Mozambique located in Kenya.
ETA and Visa
Granted Visa Types
Visa types granted by Mozambique are;
Dear Sir/Madam, My Name is Awil Abas Omar and am a Somali Citizen living in Kenya and would like to get visa to enable me to Join my work to our Company in Mozambique. I will get my invitation from our Companies and other requirement if needed, I would like to visit next week if possible. Thank you for your consideration, Mat Linley
Dear Sir/Madam, I am a British Citizen living in Kenya and would like a 30-day visitors visa to enable me to visit my friend In Beira, Mozambique. I have a letter, declaration and copy of her residence permit. Do I need an appointment to visit the Mozambiquan High Commission? I would like to visit next week if possible. Thank you for your consideration, Mat Linley
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More Diplomatic Mission
Mozambican Consulate General in Mombasa, Kenya
Plot 1594, Lantana Drive,Nyali
P. O. Box 61-80122 Kengeleni
(+254) 717 555 588
(+254) 734 183 900
(+254) 414 70 781
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