Home Embassy & Consulate Mexican Embassy in Nairobi
Mexican Embassy in Nairobi Kenya is a strong bond of communication between Mexico Government and Kenya.
Head of Mission: Erasmo Roberto Martinez Martinez, Ambassador
Consulate Appointment or Contact Mexican Embassy in Nairobi : Visit only by Appointment
For more details please check in first instance the consulate website for enquiries contact form http://embamex.sre.gob.mx/kenia/.
Mexico Consulates in Kenya may prioritize Appointment for Mexico citizens or have dedicated support.
ETA and Visa
Granted Visa Types
Visa types granted by Mexico are;
If you're looking for some guidance, these articles could be of help. Take a look!
once i get that it will be my dream
i would like visit Mexico because i have a cousin there it's been long time no see him so once i get this chance i shall be better to both
i need visa tourist visa
I need visa tourist visa
Kindly send the visa requirements and visa fees all-inclusive and if a person needs a visa do they need to come to Nairobi to get it thanks
I would love to visit my son who is working in Mexico. How do i go with Visa application?
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