Mozambican Consulate General in Mombasa Kenya is a
strong bond of communication between Mozambique Government and Kenya.
Head of Mission: Agostino Tayali Vakuliavanji, Consul General
Consulate Appointment or Contact
Mozambican Consulate General in Mombasa : Visit only by Appointment
For more details please check in first instance the consulate website for enquiries contact form
If unfortunately unable to get contact here, one should try to the Mozambican High Commission in Nairobi , For your convenience here listed all other representatives of Mozambique located in Kenya.
Good morning, just a small inquiry ;Does the Mombasa office have any open vacancies in the admin department or reception? I would like to apply ,kindly guide m on it.
Bruce House, 3rd floor Standard Street P.O. Box 66923 Nairobi Kenya
(+254) (20) 222 1979 (+254) (20) 221 4191
(+254) (20) 222 2446
You can send us update details on this form or you can also email is support[@]
We will review Your updates and the changes may take effect within 7 working days.
Mozambican Consulate General in Mombasa, Kenya
Plot 1594, Lantana Drive,Nyali P. O. Box 61-80122 Kengeleni Mombasa Kenya
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